A little light Christmas Cheer below...
I spotted this in the readers queries section of the leading magazine for tax advisers – Taxation a message from a seasonal character seeking help with his tax affairs.
Seasonal tax
On a visit to the UK last year I picked up a copy of your magazine and wonder if readers can advise me. I am non-domiciled and non-resident (I think) in the UK – no permanent home here – but each year I work temporarily in the UK for a short period.
The work is unpaid, but I do receive benefits in kind; glasses of port, mince pies and the like. I am rather concerned that I have not declared these to HMRC in the past. Should I have done so and is there an annual tax liability to be paid on these gifts or benefits? And if there is, how is the tax calculated under self assessment? “
Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year