Why use a tax adviser or an accountant to prepare your personal tax return?
Rather an odd question for a tax adviser to ask you might think? I was asked recently by someone why they should instruct me specifically to do their tax return which set me thinking...
There are many reasons of course but mainly clients tell me they want to be sure they are doing it right and have not missed anything they can claim ie for peace of mind.
Others are just busy people and want to park the hassle with someone else.
Even for pure advisory clients I find the process of completing the return helps identify areas in which a client had not realised there might be savings.
Some clients want a second opinion on personal and business financial matters. Many clients are in the financial area themselves and they could talk about it with friends and family but some people prefer a more confidential different voice.
There is a good article here which explains why you can do better than just using google and online software. But then I would say that wouldn't I?